• February 17, 2025
Department of Medical Education FJMU organized examination of Certificate in Health Professional Education (CHPE) of Batch 5 on 22nd September 2022. The Vice Chancellor FJMU, Prof. Dr. Khalid Masud Gondal (T.I & Presidential Pride of Performance), Ph.D in Medical Education, personally supervised the examination. He gave his valuable feedback, suggestions and way forward for improvement in Medical Education.
The Pro-VC Prof Shamsa Humayun, Director DME, Prof Noreen Akmal, Director QEC Prof Bilquis Shabbir , Dean of Basic Science, Prof Munazzah Iqbal , Prof Kamran Khalid Khawaja, Prof Zohra Khanum, Prof Shamila Ijaz, Dr Farah and other Senior faculty members from FJMU participated as examiners in the Summative Assessment for the course. Guest examiners included senior medical educationists from KEMU, LGH and other prestigious medical institutions of Lahore. Prof Asghar Naqi. Prof Muhammad Moeen, Prof Saira Afzal,Dr Khalid Mahmood Cheema, Prof Abrar Ashraf Ali, Dr Uzma Tahir, Prof Nazish Imran , Prof Ali Madeeh Hashmi, Prof Uzma Hussain, Prof M Nadeem, Prof Andaleeb Khanum and Prof. Ahmad Uzair Qureshi took part as examiners in the OSTE.
24 students appeared in the OSTE examination. OSTE consisted of interactive stations to assess the participants of the course .It was followed by evaluation of the course and examination by the faculty, examiners and participants considering the room for improvement. The Vice Chancellor FJMU thanked all the eminent Medical Educationists from all over the Punjab for their interest and contribution.
Fatima Jinnah Medical College has a glorious history of 74 years for Medical Education. It was formally inaugurated by the Honourable Prime Minister Khawaja Nazim-ud-Din, on March 31, 1949. It was indeed a great occasion for the nation as the first women medical institution was established in the country.
CHPE was started in 2019 as one of the first in Medical Universities of Punjab having the pioneer Department of Medical Education founded by late Prof Rose Madan. Up-till now 100 students from all over Pakistan have obtained Certificate in Health Professional Education from Fatima Jinnah Medical University and proving themselves as better teachers for under- and postgraduate medical education in various specialties.
Currently Fatima Jinnah Medical University, Lahore is supervising Undergraduate and Postgraduate Medical Education, Research and playing a pivotal role in Health Delivery System especially in the Flood Relief Activities.
The Institution is conducting 31Postgraduate Programs, Insha’Allah in 2023, the institution plans to start Ph.D. Program in all the Basic Sciences as the University is having the sufficient number of Medical Teachers in the relevant subjects.
The University has the honor to award MBBS FJMU Degree since 2017 and having the regular convocation too. From 2022, University has started final examination of its Master Programs and intends to hold the Convocation of Postgraduate (MS/ MD) along with MBBS this year.
Fatima Jinnah Medical University also has the honor to be among the top three medical universities of province awarding Undergraduate and Postgraduate Degrees and having regular Convocations parallel to UHS and KEMU.
Consistent with the international best practices, Competency Based Medical Education has been implemented and Innovative Techniques in evaluation including work place based assessment has been implemented.
Universities are the site of innovation and research. The Journal of FJMU is internationally indexed accredited/ recognized by PMC, CPSP and Y-Category of HEC.
FJMU has the world best program of prevention supervised by Punjab Thalassemia & other Genetic Disorders Prevention & Research Institute (PTGD). In the current year the country’s largest center Mother & Child Block, SGRH is going to be inaugurated.
FJMU has the honor to remain on the forefront in the Flood Relief Program by following the instructions of Government of the Punjab, Higher Education Commission, Honorable Chancellor, FJMU and Honorable Minister for Health, Punjab. Up-till now, 03 visits of teams for medical camps have gone:
First team of Senior Doctors of different specialties was sent to South Punjab on 31st August, 2022. The said team visited Rajanpur, Aqilpur, Jahanpur, Hajipur and Fatehpur Tehsils. More than 1000 food bags were distributed in all areas. According to the instructions of SHC&ME Department and Vice-Chancellor, Fatima Jinnah medical University (FJMU), Lahore, a special medical camp was organized for the flood victims, in which more than 700 patients were treated. Psychiatrist, dermatologist, gastroenterologist, general surgeon, urologist, and maternal & child specialist in the camp played an active role in treating the flood affected people. People were also informed about precautionary measures. The delegation along with the rescue and scout team personally went to the areas where transport was difficult to reach and provided rations and medicines.
Following goods were also provided to relief the burden of almost 1000 people of flood affected areas:
1. Raw food items such as ration bags containing rice, flour and lentils for people stuck in homes due to flooding outside
2. Dry eatables (As cooked food might perish or be only useful for one time)
3. Dry ration such as roasted black chana, dates, and biscuits
4. Dry milk (for children) and cartons of liquid milk
5. Stitched clothes which can be readily worn
6. Dry fuel such as wood, kerosene oil etc.
7. Medical facilities & Medicines
8. Clean drinking water
9. Mosquito Nets/ Mosquito Repellents
10. Hygiene Products
11. Tents
12. Soaps, Matches etc.
Second visit, a Joint Team was constituted consisting of Fatima Jinnah Medical University (FJMU) & University of Child Health Sciences (UCHS), Lahore who provided Medical Relief Services as a collaborative effort to flood victims. In this regard, a team comprising of 12 Doctors, 10 Male Nurses and 5 Female Nurses was sent to “Sehwan Sharif” on the request of Sindh Govt. The team was headed by 02 Senior Faculty Members (01 from FJMU & 01 from UCHS). A special medical camp was organized for the flood victims, in which more than 1250 patients were treated.
Following goods were also provided to relief the burden of flood affected families:-
• Ration bags containing rice, flour, and lentils
• Dry eatables
• Dry ration such as roasted black chana, dates, and biscuits
• Dry milk (for children) and cartons of liquid milk
• Stitched clothes which can be readily worn
• Dry fuel such as wood, kerosene oil etc.
• Medical facilities & Medicines
• Clean drinking water
• Mosquito Nets/ Mosquito Repellents
• Hygiene Products
• Tents
• Soaps, Matches etc.
The team members gathered in the premises of FJMU, from where they travelled to the CM Secretariat where the Hon’ble Chief Minister and Minster for Health, Punjab sent-off the team with best wishes & prayers on 8th September, 2022.
For the Third Visit, the Joint Team consisting of Fatima Jinnah Medical University (FJMU) & University of Child Health Sciences (UCHS) held free medical camps and provided medicines to the affectees (almost 1100 patients were treated) and also coordinated with local Doctors to relieve the burden of flood affected people. Medicines of Diarrhea, Malaria, Chest Infection, Insect Bites, Blood Pressure, Skin Diseases and Diabetes, were provided. Mosquito Nets and Mosquito Repellents were also provided to flood affected areas.
Following goods were also provided to relieve the burden of 500 people of flood affected areas:
• Ration bags containing rice, flour and lentils for flood victims
• Dry eatables
• Dry ration such as roasted black chana, dates, and biscuits
• Dry milk (for children) and cartons of liquid milk
• Stitched clothes which can be readily worn
• Dry fuel such as wood, kerosene oil etc.
• Clean drinking water
• Hygiene Products
• Tents
• Soaps, Matches etc.
Fourth Team of Doctors, Male Nurses, Pediatricians, Female Nurses and Paramedics under the supervision of the University administration along with Members of FJMCAANA from USA, UK, Canada, is ready to depart for “Taunsa Sharif” on 27th September 2022, In Sha Allah. The team will also be carrying with them a plenty of Medicines, Ration Packs and Mosquito Nets/ Repellents. The team will also perform other miscellaneous relief activities there as per instructions of Govt. of the Punjab.
The Alumni of FJMU (FJMCAANA & AFJOG) have been very supportive in these endeavors, regularly participating in the Annual Conferences and International webinars.
FJMU has the singular honor of having Association of Fatima Jinnah Old Graduates (AFJOG) patronized by board of very Senior Members & Graduates of FJMC/ FJMU who facilitate the institution in Academics, Research and Services Delivery including field work.
The Attached Hospitals Association of Fatima Jinnah old Graduatessity (Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Government Teaching Hospital Shahdara and Government Mozang Teaching Hospital) are accredited for Postgraduate Programs. The College of Nursing, SGRH is having 150 students. The institution has the unique honor of another male nursing center, College of Nursing, GTHS where 100 male students are being catered.
FJMU has recently strengthened the Quality Enhancement Cell (QEC), Department of Medical Education (DME) and Office of the Research Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC).
The University has got the residential/ hostel facilities for 100% Undergraduate Students along with and separate hostel for Postgraduate Students along with Scholarship support with the help of Alumni for 100 % deserving students.
The student body for extracurricular activities with the name of Shanawar Society is very active and dynamic besides participating in academics. The extracurricular activities are the properly supervised and facilitated.
In the currenShanawar Society FJMU programmed to implement with Electronic Monitoring of Postgraduate Residents.
The University has started way forward to new Postgraduate Programs Certification and Master Programs.
The Institution with the best faculty and team spirit is trying, with the Grace of Allah Almighty, to achieve top position among the Medical Education Institutions of the country


  • Start Date:February 17, 2025
  • End Date:February 17, 2025