Govt. Mozang Hospital, 37- Temple road Lahore was established in 1992 with 25-beds
strength. Before that it was a metropolitan corporaon dispensary. Inially it was under the
jurisdicon of District Government Lahore. It was declared as a teaching hospital and
affiliated with Fama Jinnah medical university Lahore on 19 November 2014. A new 20
bedded Gynae unit was constructed by the district government and total bed strength
became 45. Currently Dr. M. Riaz is serving as MS of the Hospital.
The hospital has fully funconal departments of Gynae, Radiology, Anaesthesia, Denstry,
Paedes, Surgery, Emergency and Pathology. Furthermore, service provision is being carried
out through a Family planning Centre and an EPI Centre. A Hepas clinic has been established in the Hospital, by Govt. of Punjab specialized health care and Medical
Educaon Department where all the medicines and diagnosc tests are provided to the
paents, free of cost.
The Hospital also runs a successful Tuberculosis control program, with the collaboraon of
District Health Authority, Lahore. All medicines and lab tests for Tuberculosis paents, are
totally free. Fama Jinnah Medical University is supporng various services in Govt.
Mozang Teaching Hospital. Currently Assistant Professors from Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Department SGRH are vising on weekly basis for smooth funconing of Gynae/obstetrics
Department at GTHM.