Department of Preventive Paeds

Dr. Rameeza Kaleem

Chairperson & HOD Department of Preventive Paeds
Phone: +92-42-99211145-53 Ext: 191

Introduction of the Department

The Department of Social and Prevenve Paediatrics plays a crucial role in nurturing the future of naon, by working with a mission to promote opmal health and healthy life style for children, and their families, through promove, prevenve and curave health services. The history of Prevenve Paediatrics dates back to 1979, when it began working as a unit, under Paediatric Department of Sir Ganga Ram Hospital. At that me only vaccinaon services were being provided. It earned the status of an independent department in 1992. Prof. Nishat Maqsood was the Founding Head. She served the department from 1992 to 2002. During that period department acvely parcipated in Baby Friendly Hospital Iniave and conducted around 250 trainings on Lactaon Management throughout Punjab. Sir Ganga Ram Hospital was cerfied as a Baby Friendly Hospital in 1992 and 2001. A six bedded Nutrion Ward was established in the department in 2002. The department flourished under inspiraonal leadership of Prof. Nishat Maqsood, Dr. Parveen Zulfiqar, Prof. Shakeela Zaman, Prof. Nosheen Aziz and Prof. Munir Akhtar Salimi. Over the meline, different maternal and child health services were included in the department’s porolio, strengthening its outlook and contribung to the instuon’s overarching mission. Today, the department connues its mission under leadership of current Head, Dr. Rameeza Kaleem (Associate Professor). It provides indoor and outdoor hospital based health services, as well as outreach services to urban slum populaon, aached with the department. The outdoor infrastructure/ health services include Vaccinaon and Surveillance center, Growth Monitoring Clinic, Lactaon Management Clinic, Nutrion Clinic, health educaon and management of common childhood illnesses. The department is also successfully managing a Day-Care Centre for children, established to facilitate the staff of FJMU/SGRH. The Department is acvely involved in undergraduate teaching and training. In addion, the Department provides collaborave and consultave services to Ministry of Health, Department of Primary & Secondary Health Punjab, IRMNCH, UNICEF and WHO. It also establishes academic partnerships with various Universies and conducts Naonal and Internaonal training on child health promoon.


List of Faculty Members

Dr. Rameeza Kaleem

Associate Professor & HOD