The Fatima Jinnah Institute of Mother and
Child Health was conceived in the backdrop of
extremely high maternal mortality, infant
mortality and neonatal mortality rates in
Pakistan; figures that serve as a stark reminder
of countr y’s dismal performance in
atta inment of relevant Susta inable
Development Goals. It is a Rs. 9.9 billion
project funded by the Specialized Health care
and Medical Education Department,
Government of the Punjab. The 600 bedded,
state of the art institute will work with an
objective to improve maternal and child
health by quality service provision. It will also
contribute towards attainment of Sustainable
Development Goals.
This new facility will house four new supraspecialities, including, Gynaecological Oncology,
Uro Gynaecology, Fetomaternal Medicine and Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
(REI). The institute will be supported by ‘Punjab Thalassaemia & Other Genetic Disorder
Prevention and Research Institute’, already established at FJMU. With 100 ICU beds for
mothers, neonatal and pediatrics population, the facility will be first of its kind in public
th sector. Earth breaking ceremony of this project was performed on 24 February, 2020 and
work is in full swing to meet the target completion date of 30 June 2022.