Department of Surgery & Allied

Dr. *****

Chairperson & HOD Department of Surgery & Allied
Phone: +92-42-99211145-53 Ext: 191
E-Mail: Surgery&

Introduction of the Department

Department of Medicine at Fama Jinnah Medical University and Sir Ganga Ram Hospital is one of the oldest departments in the Instute. Dr. Yar Muhammad and Dr. Muhammad Yousaf, both rered Physicians of King Edward Medical College, were the first honorary vising Physicians for SGRH. Not only did they work without remuneraon but used to contribute 40% of fee realized from their private paents towards the hospital funds. In 1970 three Medical Units were established Headed by Prof. Nasima Nisar, Prof. Nabiha Hassan and Prof. Shabnum Iqbal. A Gastroenterology unit was established by Prof. Nabiha W. Hassan in 1985-86. Along the course of its history, other brilliant names that Headed and le impeccable marks on the outlook of the specialty in Pakistan, include Prof. Humayun Maqsood, Prof. M. Akbar Chaudhary, Prof. Gulsana Masood Khan, Prof. Saleema Qaisera, Prof. Sameena Akram, Prof. Naheed Hashmat & Prof. Imran Hassan Khan. Professor Naeem Afzal is the current Head/Chairperson of the department and is leading Medical Unit I & II as well. Presently, three well equipped Medical Units are working as a team to provide Outpaent, Inpaent and Eemergency Medical Services. In addion, Covid-19 is managed with addional bed strength of 70, with 50 reserved for High Dependency Unit and 20 for Intensive Care Unit. The department has also played key role in coping with the paent influx, aer Dengue outbreak. The staff of Department of Medicine has displayed exceponal professionalism and selflessness, while being at the forefront in fight against these diseases. In terms of teaching and research, MD and FCPS are recognized postgraduate degrees in Medicine, accredited by FJMU and CPSP, respecvely. MD Endocrinology will receive first inducon through CIP in coming selecon. In addion, Postgraduate Diploma in Diabetes is also approved by the Syndicate, and waing for inducon. In connuaon of its tradions of professionalism, the team at Medical Unit 1 intends to achieve excellence in medical care, research and postgraduate training. The seasoned faculty includes one Assistant Professor and two Senior Registrars. Currently the Department has 18 Post graduate residents including 3 on rotaon. Department’s infrastructure consists of a state of the art library, research room, procedure room and a classroom. Newly recognized Department of Endocrinology is in Medical Unit 1, and supervised by the same unit. Recently, the OPD of Endocrinology has been refurbished and system was computerized. It was inaugurated by Secretary Specialized Healthcare & Medical Educaon and Vice Chancellor FJMU. There are 17 acve research projects under progress in the department, apart from research acvies by the trainees. The department has collaboraons with Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences and Health Services Academy, facilitang the trainees in compleon of their work. In March 2021, under leadership of Professor M. Imran Hassan (former HOD), two posters were presented in Internaonal Ramadan conference, 4 in PSIM conference in Islamabad, one in the HSA conference in Islamabad, and 2 were accepted in IDF Virtual conference on Diabetes


List of Faculty Members

Dr. Saif Ur Rehman